My ChoreoReel and Woes of Self-Promotion

Almost a year ago I decided to work on a promo video for my choreography and performance. It’s something I’ve thought of doing for a years, but is generally a thought I have only when I feel like I am not doing enough, being enough, just not good enough. While putting it all together, I couldn’t help but feel a bit vain and narcissistic. Is there a part of choreography that is inherently selfish or self-centered? Or is it the way this economy is; individuals market products trying to make other people want to buy them? While I know I don’t want to ‘commoditize’ myself, I do know that eventually it would be nice if people paid to watch my dance work.

So here it is, The first draft of a short video I made on free editing software. Yes there is a watermark, the text is funky and there are plenty of other things wrong with it (at least in my opinion), but I have to send it out there. If I wait until it’s perfect, no one will ever see it except me. Enjoy, and please comment!

– Jessica